Thursday, September 19, 2019

Finally Some Real Writing,,,Almost

you can make something feel dirty.

and once its dirty it stays that way until you decide to clean it up

does the thing become dirty because you decided to take it home

or does it become dirty because you keep it all for yourself.

is it dirty because others have used it

or is it all just a symbol of your guilt?

do i crave the cleansing?

or do i crave the time?

do i crave the vulnerability?

the freedom of simply being on the inside?

why is dirty bad?

the greatest moments of my life

have taken place in the mud.

my mind just wont behave

Im stuck

floating out at sea

caught up in several waves

emotions come and go

im elated then im crushed

im promoting peace then im screaming at myself

im sharing

i wanna tell you
i wanna see you
i wanna hold you
 i wanna kiss you
 i wanna play with you

my brain skips and skips and skips

i cant tell what i am or who i stand for

i cant figure out what to write

i feel sad but want to write something happy

i feel happy but feel like writing something sad

back and forth

i ride the waves

wanna play a game?

Anyone ever look at a satellite image and think "Damn! That's a sexy map!"?


just be chill man
we're all just trying to live the best life we can.
we all deserve to be happy and fully enjoy the physical existence of our souls journey.

be kind to your soul
let it float
with the flow of the physical world around you


can anyone else feel the magnet pulling at them 
fingertips pulling fingers 
and extensions
to muscles that make the perspective of the modern man go round.

a tale of one mans story from the bliss of ignorance to the pain of physical existence and the realization of the power of being able to concentrate energy from ones environment 

guaranteed to make you feel more at "one" with whatever you what to be inclusive of.

7/27/2019 LD