Wednesday, March 11, 2015

questions to answer

When we think about our lives from the perspective of another,
what conclusions do we draw about our character?

Are we happy or surly?
Confident or submissive?
Ambitious or lazy?
Reliable or flakey?

Let's just think for a moment,
about how strange it is to examine ourselves through another perspective.

We know who we are.
Or maybe we don't.
And does either matter?

Are our lives predetermined?
Or are we writing our own history and legacy as we go along?

When we reach the last few moments of our lives,
how would we feel about the life we are currently living?

Would we feel fulfilled?
Would we have regerets?
Would we feel like we need more time?
Are we content with the life we've lived?
How do we want to be remembered?
And on that same note,
will we be remembered?

Everything and everyone that touches our lives,
shapes us into the person that we have become.

How do we want our legacy to shape the world we will leave behind?

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